Qualifications & Tertiary Institutions Attended:
- PhD Theology (Birmingham, 2007)
- Post-Grad Teaching Certificate (Attendance), (Birmingham, 2007)
- MTS (Eden Theology Seminary, 1996)
- B.A. Theology (UWI, 1987)
- Diploma in Ministerial Studies (UTCWI, 1987)
Courses Taught/ Currently Teaching:
- Bible & Imperialism
- Methodological Issues in the Caribbean
- Biblical Hermeneutics
- Exilic Literature
Courses Currently Teaching:
- Geographical & Cultural World of the Bible
- The Pentateuch
- Caribbean Theology
- Contemporary Theology
- Introduction to Homiletics
- Biblical Preaching
- Bible and Imperialism
Area(s) of Specialization & Research Interest:
- Biblical Studies
- Theology
- Contextual Contestation in Biblical Hermeneutics within a Caribbean Context: A Case for a Biblical Resistant Hermeneutic”. PhD (Theology). Thesis, 2007.
- A Resistant Biblical Hermeneutic within the Caribbean”, Black Theology, An International Journal, Volume 6 No. 3, 2008.
- Genesis 1-2:4a and Exodus 1-15: A Basis for a Theology of Liberation” MTS Thesis, 1996.
- Wesley Methodist Church, Tower Street, Kingston, Jamaica: A Case Study in Inner-city Ministry 1960-85”. B.A. (Theology). Thesis, 1987.
- Biblical Interpretation within a Caribbean Context”, article in Book: black Theology, Slavery and Contemporary Christianity, Ashgate, surrey, England.
- Review of “The Peoples’ Bibles” (NRSV with the Apocrypha, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, USA) in Black Theology: An International Journal.
Email Address: othomas@utcwi.edu.jm